<aside> 💡 Tip: Start a Steam page with screenshots, a trailer if available, and a game description. Do this first, without a demo or game. Also you can only release the prologue first, and keep it as coming soon, for years,to gain wishlists, you can open a short-term campaign event, as playtest ,on Steam Next Festival,and then remove it, also, on the events,don’t forget to stream in loop with https://robostreamer.com/ . You can also create events on steam such as giveaway contest, you will win a steam key for an unreleased game, by registering in our discord community, don’t forget to add a ticket bot,in Discord. You can make the giveaway on Gleam, too,or socials, promoting the post.


<aside> 💡 Tip: Use Google Search Console to verify ownership for the domain, then index your game page on it, Google Developer Console, to take all the metadata for your game title, screenshots ,name of the game, any other information, like developer name,publisher ,release dates etc.


<aside> 💡 Tip:

Why? Because the pitch deck is meant for funding. Press kit, to have it ready, after the funding is in, and prologue for a good entry on the forums, blogs, news + press kit, etc. The cover will be used everywhere, on socials, and for the events The trailer will be used too, at the events, and give it to influencers to post it on their socials, building the hype. Also, it can be used to stream in the loop, every day, on multi-streaming, on multiple platforms at once.Even on Steam But before all, you need a pitch to get some $ , incubators, accelerators, investors, and grants.




Thanks to digital content and constant online connections, the world of gaming has changed drastically in the past decade. Gamers used to purchase a complete game package as-is, with no options for upgrades or extra features. Now, console and mobile games often rely on microtransactions to make income and continue the flow of profits.

As you expand the launch of your game with microtransactions, there are various types to consider. The variety of options will help expand your in-game store and keep up with gamer engagement. The in-game store allows your game to feel fresh while consumers play.

1. Small Purchases

The idea of a microtransaction is to keep a majority of the options as micro or small as possible. The average cost for items should be around the one-dollar range, with many items set at a cost of less than a dollar. For instance, if your game has a daily limit on lives, you may offer an extra bundle of lives for $0.99

The use of psychological pricing for low amounts will also help influence the consumer to purchase. For example, instead of an item costing $1.00, the price $0.99 typically works better. For even smaller transactions you may choose to price items at $0.49 as opposed to $0.50. Consumers tend to view the odd price points as a better deal because their brain rounds the figures down, rather than up.

Small purchases add up over time and consumers may be more willing to make multiple small purchases instead of one large purchase.

2. Skins and Customization

Gamers love to make games all their own. Along with usernames and custom avatars, you can expand the customization options through microtransactions.

For example, your in-game store may feature new character skins to use as avatars. The skins could include new outfits, designs, and accessories like backpacks or hats. If the game involves animals, you may offer a new and rare skin for those characters. For example, if there is a tiger, the in-game store could feature a white tiger skin option as an alternative.

When a player purchases the skin, the skins become a permanent part of their account, which gives them a digital locker of items to keep and use while they play the game.

3. Holiday Themes

Along with general custom skins, your in-game store has the opportunity to promote a variety of holidays with items and themes. Holiday items allow the game to feel fresh and allows the designers to consistently feature new content.

In the autumn months, you have the opportunity to promote items for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. The three months of items may include special wallpapers, skins, or in-game bonuses. During the winter holidays, you have the opportunity to offer in-game presents. The mystery microtransactions add the element of surprise to the items.